
The story of IETO begins with I and O. Fnico Feldman and Jonathan Guichard created the act “Serre les Coudes” (Pulling Together) at the Riu Ferrer farm during the summer of 2006.

Cyril Malivert (technician and constructor) and Christian Coumin (stage director) then joined the team.

In November 2008 the “ieto” act is created. This marked the beginning of a great adventure which started with the “Jeune Talents Cirque” and “Midi Pyrénées fait son cirque en Avignon” followed by a five-year tour.

In September 2010 Mosi Abdu Espinosa Navarro took over from Jonathan Guichard. In July 2013 we decided to end the tour after more than 300 performances in 25 different countries so as to devote time to the creation of the next opus.

In 2014, Sébastien BRUN, Itamar GLUCKSMAN and Alys MARCHI came to join Christian, Fnico and Patrice LECUSSAN.

The “Instinct du déséquilibre” (Imbalance Instinct) came out in March 2016 and toured for 2 years. During this tour, Fnico and Itamar, enriched by this first artistic collaboration, decided to begin a new adventure with Patrice Lecussan and Benjamin De Matteïs: Pour Hêtre, their 2019 production.